Women in Early Analytical Philosophy
5 October, 2015, Ghent University, in collaboration with the Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy.
Invited Keynote Speakers:
Julia Driver (WashU, St. Louis)
Anna Brozek (Cracow)
We invite abstracts (500 words) for papers to be presented at a workshop on any topic pertaining to women in early analytical philosophy. By ‘early’ we mean roughly through 1950.
The main aim is of the workshop is to better understand the extent and substance of women’s neglected contribution to analytical philosophy. We welcome papers on, for example, individual women and groups of women; we also welcome papers on the role of gender & sexuality in early analytical philosophy.
PhD students and early career scholars are especially encouraged to apply.
We hope to publish a selection of papers in the Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy.
Conference hosts: Maria Van der Schaar (Leiden) & Eric Schliesser (Gent/Amsterdam)