Workshop, 16 April 2016, Trius Winery at Hillebrand (
One of the biggest challenges for historians of philosophy, whether it be historians of e.g. analytic, German, modern, medieval or ancient philosophy is to make clear the various ways in which historical work can be relevant to contemporary discussion. Few philosophical resources exist that deal with questions concerning approaches and methods, and divergences across the various subfields of interest are often quite remarkable. This is to say nothing of the gap that seems to exist between historians of philosophy and historians and philosophers of science.
The purpose of the workshop is to come to a better understanding of our own assumptions as historians and consider whether distinct approaches and methods can come to inform each other in a way that could contribute to unifying the field – and whether this is desirable in the first place. It will gather historians and philosophers of science, historians of ancient, medieval and modern philosophy as well as historians of analytical philosophy.
The workshop will revolve around current work-in-progress by eminent historian of medieval philosophy Claude Panaccio (UQAM). The morning session will be devoted to a lecture by Panaccio, followed by an open discussion. The afternoon session will consist of a round table. A number of “ heses” taken from Panaccio’s manuscript will be examined and discussed by a panel of historians with different backgrounds and interest. They include :
- · Corey Dyck, Western
- · Jacqueline Feke, Waterloo
- · David Hunter, Ryerson
- · Peter King, Toronto
- · Henrik Lagerlund, Western
- · Sandra Lapointe, McMaster
- · Christian Leduc, Montreal
- · Martin Pickave, Toronto
The round table will be followed by a general discussion. Invited discussants include: Doreen Fraser (Waterloo), Mark Johnstone (McMaster), Jenny Pelletier (Leuven), Marleen Rozemond (Toronto), Anthony Skelton (Western), Nick Stang (Toronto), John Thorp (Western).
for more information, visit us HERE