The Society for the Study of the History of Philosophy 2017 Annual Meeting will be held May 8-10, 2017 at the University of Calgary, Canada. The program follows below.
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Program with session chairs and abstracts
Day 1: Monday, May 8
1A: Themes from Davidson | 1B: Ramsey | 1C: Women and Minorities in Analytic Philosophy | ||
9am | Kirk Ludwig, Indiana University, Lessons from Davidson’s 1969-70 Locke Lectures: A Preliminary Report | Andrew Parisi, University of Connecticut, Geach’s Response to Ramsey | Aude Bandini, University of Montreal, Hector-Neri Castañeda: on returning what one received | |
10am | Gurpreet Rattan, University of Toronto, Relativism and Austere Nonsense | Steven Methven, Oxford University, A Note on a Note: Ramsey, ‘Universals’ and Judgement | Teresa Kouri, The Ohio State University, Susan Stebbing and Common Sense Metaphysics |
11am: Coffee break
11:30 am: Session 2: Plenary Talk
Robin Jeshion, University of Southern California , What Good is Self-Evidence?
1pm: Lunch
3A: Frege on Logic and Language | 3B: Russell and Others | 3C: Verification and Truth | 3D: Wittgenstein and Others | |
2pm | Daniele Mezzadri, United Arab Emirates University, Formality of Logic and Frege’s Begriffschrift | Landon D. C. Elkind, University of Iowa, The Nature of Russell’s Sense-Data | Jeff Pelletier and Bernard Linsky, University of Alberta, Verification: The Hysteron Proteron Argument | Joshua Eisenthal, University of Pittsburgh, A logical obscurity |
3pm | Kai Wehmeier and Ulrich Pardey, UCI School of Social Sciences, Frege’s Begriffsschrift view of identity vindicated | Sanford Shieh, Wesleyan University, The Rejection of Idealism and the Rejection of Modality | Nathan Kellen, University of Connecticut, Dummett, (Anti-)Realism and Pluralism about Truth | David G. Stern, University of Iowa, Wittgenstein and Moore on Grammar |
4:15pm | Patricia Blanchette, University of Notre Dame, Frege on Identity and Reference | Jacob Browning, New School for Social Research, The Appeal to Common-Sense about Color in Moore and Russell | Mauro Engelmann, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Phenomenology in Grammar: Wittgenstein’s Explicitation-verificationism and the Vienna Circle | Jinho Kang, Seoul National University, Wittgenstein against Russell’s Theory of Judgment |
Day 2: Tuesday, May 9
4A: Mid-Century Analytic Philosophy 1 | 4B: Philosophy of Mathematics 1 | 4C: Quine 1 | 4D: Wittgenstein and Mathematics | |
9 am | Griffin Klemick, University of Toronto, Sellars Was a Quasi-Realist, Not an Error Theorist | Eamon Darnell and Aaron Thomas-Bolduc, University of Calgary & University of Toronto, Is Hume’s Principle Analytic In Frege’s Sense? | Andrew Smith, Indiana University, Quine’s Intuition | Gregory Landini, University of Iowa, Tractarian Logicism, Numbers, Quantification, and (perhaps) Induction |
10am | Matt LaVine, University of Buffalo / SUNY College at Potsdam, Marcus, Kripke, and the Dispute over the New Theory of Reference | Matt Carlson, Wabash College, Poincaré and Hilbert One More Time | Scott Sehon, Bowdoin College, Radical translation and the principle of charity: a problem for Quine’s naturalism? | Warren Goldfarb, Harvard University, Wittgenstein’s ‘Early Middle’ Philosophy of Mathematics |
11am: Coffee break
11:30am: Session 5: Plenary Talk
Bernie Linsky, University of Alberta, Bertrand Russell’s Lectures on Logic: Notes by Henry Sheffer, Harry Costello and T.S. Eliot
1-2pm: AGM/Lunch
6A: Carnap 1 | 6B: Early Influences | 6C: Frege and Russell | 6D: Wittgenstein’s Tractatus | |
2pm | Anthony Dardis, Hofstra University, Carnap on Ontology: Semantics or Explanation? | Nadia Moro, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Johann Friedrich Herbart’s critical realism and its relevance to the development of analytical philosophy | Peter Hanks, University of Minnesota, Mont Blanc Revisited: Frege and Russell on Propositional Content | Gilad Nir, University of Chicago, The Tractarian Rejection of Rules |
3pm | Gary Ebbs, Indiana University, Carnap and Quine on Ontology | Erich Reck, UC Riverside, Frege, Cohen, and the Issue of Origins: An Early Parting of the Ways | Pieranna Garavaso, University of Minnesota Morris, Can There Be Any Fregean Echoes in Russell’s Lectures on Logical Atomism? | Nikolay Milkov, University of Paderborn, The Method of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus: Towards a New Interpretation |
4:15pm | Richard Creath, Arizona State University, What Was Carnap Rejecting When He Rejected Metaphysics? | Sandra Lapointe, McMaster University, What Does It Really Mean To Say That Logic Is Formal? | Katarina Perovic, University of Iowa, Can We be Positive about Russell’s Negative Facts? | James Connelly, Trent University, On Wittgenstein’s Transcendental Deductions |
Day 3: Wednesday, May 10
7A: Philosophy of Mathematics 2 | 7B: Quine 2 | 7C: Sellars | 7D: Mid-Century Analytic Philosophy 2 | |
9am | Valerie Lynn Therrien, Western University, Axiom of Choice as Paradigm Shift | Byeong-uk Yi, University of Toronto, Quine on Japanese classifiers and indeterminacy of reference | Michael Hicks, Miami University, Ohio, Sellars and the Task of Philosophy. | David Hunter, Ryerson University, Ryle on Intellect and Agency |
10am | Seyed Mohamad Yarandi and Sadjad Abolfath, University of Californa, Santa Barbara & Tarbiat Modares University, Intuitionism and the Linguistic Turn | Ka Ho Lam, University of Alberta, Why ‘is at’?: Quine’s critique of Aufbau’s radical reductionism in Two Dogmas | Tomasz Zarębski, University of Lower Silesia, Wrocław, Poland, Sellars and Lewis on the Given and Empirical Knowledge | Peter Hylton, University of Illinois at Chicago, Carnap and Quine on the Status of Ontology |
11am: Coffee break
11:30am: Session 8: Plenary Talk
Juliet Floyd, Boston University, Forms of Life: Wittgenstein and Turing on the Nature of Logic
1pm: Lunch
9A: Carnap 2 | 9B: Frege and Mathematics | 9C: Quine 3 | ||
2pm | Vera Flocke, New York University, The Birth of Carnap’s Internal/External Distinction | Philip Ebert, University of Stirling, Frege’s Definitions of Number and the Aims of Analysis | Roberta Ballarin, University of British Columbia, Quine on Modality | |
3pm | Iris Loeb, Kaj Munk College Hoofddorp, The Role of universal language in the early work of Carnap and Tarski | Harrison Smith-Jaoudi, UC Davis, Stratification and the historical status of Frege’s mature logic | Greg Lavers, Concordia University, Quine on the Status of Set Theory | |
4:15pm | Georg Schiemer, University of Vienna, Carnap’s Structuralist Thesis | Philip Ebert and Marcus Rossberg, University of Stirling & University of Connecticut, Mathematical Creation in Frege’s Grundgesetze | Sander Verhaegh, Tilburg Centre for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science (TiLPS) Tilburg University, Sign and Object: Quine’s Early Notes on Metaphysics, Analyticity, and Ontological Commitment |
I looked at the program. It suggests that analytic philosophy developed only in UK, USA and Jena, perhaps in Vienna, although it is uncertain whether Carnap is considered as Austrian or American. No paper on philosophers living in Scandinavia, Poland, Russia, etc. I understand that it is a question of proposals, but SSHAP should take more care about historical accuracy. For example, there is session on women. In Poland we had more important female analytic philosophers (years 1918-1939) than worked in other countries taken together. This kind of Anglo-Saxon historical chauvinism (for instance, the volume of the Routledge History of Philosophy, devoted to the philosophy of language in Anglo-Saxon world begins with … Frege) is ridiculous,
Sorry for this remarks, but I feel myself entitled to protest against marginalization of important parts of contemporary worlds.