Annual General Meeting 2017


Annual General Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy

University of Calgary, May 9th 2017-05-07

  1. Approval of the Agenda
  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Last AGM (Below)
  3. President’s Report
Motion to be considered: that SSHAP adopt the Best Practices and Guidelines regarding Diversity, Inclusiveness and Equity that were recommended by the eponymous subcommittee.
  1. Elections (no election)
  2. Other Business
  3. Adjournment of Meeting

Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy held at the Metropolitan State University of Denver, June 17, 2016

Chairing: Sandra Lapointe, President

Attending: all those present at the conference (see programme attached)

13:00 Call to order

13:00 Approval of the agenda

Motion to approve the agenda: Sean Morris, seconded Gary Ebbs.

PASSES unanimously

13:01 President’s report

  1. The President highlights the activities of the SSHAP over the past year. Activities underway include addressing issues of diversity in history of analytic philosophy and at the Society’s meetings.

13:02 Adoption of the Constitution

The proposed Constitution of the SSHAP has been circulated and posted on

Motion that the Constitution be approved: Richard Creath, seconded: William Tashek

PASSES with one abstention

13:03 Presentation of Officers and Steering Committee of the SSHAP

  1. The President presents the slate of officers proposed by the Nominating Committee.

Motion: That the following members of the SSHAP be confirmed in the following positions, for the terms indicated: Warren Goldfarb, seconded: Joshua Eisenthal

  • President: Sandra Lapointe (2 years)
    Secretary: Richard Zach (3 years)
    Treasurer: Landon Elkind (2 years)

Steering Committee:

  • Aude Bandini (2 years)
  • Matt Carlson (3 years)
  • Philip Ebert (3 years)
  • Yi Jiang (2 years)
  • Teresa Kouri (3 years)
  • Sean Morris (2 years)

PASSES unanimously

13:04 Other Business: None

13:04 Adjournment. Richard Zach proposes the meeting be adjourned. No objections.

Richard Zach
