SSHAP 2019 Registration

You may register for SSHAP 2019 by following the link below. You may pay using a debit or credit card, or from your PayPal account. There will be no on-site registration.

When you register, please enter your name and affiliation as you would like them to appear on your name badge, and any dietary or accessibility concerns you may have.

Registration is $70, which includes the cost of attending the conference reception on Monday June 17th. Graduate Students are eligible to register at a discounted rate of $30. In addition, it is likely that there will be some subvention of costs for graduate students. Conference dinners will be organized informally at local restaurants, with faculty encouraged to support the cost of graduate student attendees. 

If you have any problems with registration process, please email James Pearson at 

Registration Rate
Name and Academic Affiliation
Accessibilty/Dietary Requests