The Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy 2021 Annual Meeting will be held online, July 14-16, 2021, organized and hosted by the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna. The program follows below. Abstracts will be posted when available.
- Talks are 45 minutes including Q&A.
- There will be 5-10 minutes between talks for rest and to switch to another Zoom session.
- Some symposia have a slightly different time structure from the standard times of the left-most column below, and in these cases times are given for each participant or event of the symposium.
- All times are Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Wednesday, July 14, 2021
Zoom 1 | Zoom 2 | Zoom 3 | Zoom 4 | Zoom 5 | |
Chair: Philipp Leon, BAUER HOAP |
Chair: Henning, HELLER, Frege |
Chair: Georg, SCHIEMER, Carnap |
Chair: Luca, OLIVA, Wittgenstein |
Chair: Felix, DANOWSKI, Analytic/Continental |
09:00-09:45 |
Sorin, COSTREIE “Fregean Acquaintance” |
Naomi, OSORIO-KUPFERBLUM “Ryle’s and Carnap’s Impact on Goodman’s Notions of Linguistic Aboutness” |
Michael, SCHMITZ “Wittgenstein contra Frege on Force” |
Michal, DOBRANSKI “Arthur Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of Language: from German Idealism towards Analytical Philosophy” |
09:55-10:40 | Chen, BO “Russell and Jin Yuelin on Truth: A Comparative Study” |
Tabea, ROHR “Frege on Geometry” |
Giorgio, CASTIGLIONE “A ‘Third Man’ in the Debate? Arthur Pap’s Conception of the A Priori between Carnap and Quine” |
Giovanni, MION “Did Wittgenstein read Cassirer?” |
Aleksandra, GOMULCZAK “An Attempt to recognize the Relationship between Analytic and Continental Philosophy” |
10:50-11:35 | Chengcheng, GU “A Comparative Study of Shen Yu-ting and Husserl’s Theory of Meaning” |
Indrek, LOBUS “Frege Against Textbook Logical Atoms” |
CANCELLED Flavio, BARACCO “Carnap’s Intellectual Development in the Early 1920s: Encounters with Husserl’s Circle” |
Florian, FIGUEIREDO “Wittgenstein and the Conception of Hypotheses” |
Maximilian, NOICHL “Quantifying the Analytic/Continental Divide” |
11:45-12:30 | Anton, ALEXANDROV “Is Frege’s Logical Analysis of Arithmetical Notions an Instance of Carnapian Explication?” |
Robert, MICHELS “Lewis’s Counterpart Theory and the Aufbau” |
CANCELLED Anton, LEODOLTER “An Arduous Journey – The Concept ‘Illusion in Wittgenstein Scholarship and Cavell’s Solution” |
Eugenio, PETROVICH “Uncovering the Social Network of Recent Analytic Philosophy by the Analysis of Acknowledgments in Academic Publications” |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break | ||||
Chair: Paola, CANTÙ, Symposium Scientific Philosophy |
Chair: Name, Dejan, MAKOVEC, Symposium Brentano and the Origins of Analytic Philosophy |
Chair: Georg, SCHIEMER, Russell |
Chair: Anton, ALEXANDROV, HOAP |
Chair: Richard, LAWRENCE, Philosophy of Mathematics |
14:00-14:45 | Gabriella, CROCCO “Emile Boutroux and “Scientific” Philosophy” |
Mark, TEXTOR “Stout’s take on the Tripartite Distinction” |
Ryo, ITO “Two Epistemological Problems in the early Russell’s Ontology” |
Inger Bakken, PEDERSEN “Coherentist Structuralism: A Metaontological Inquiry” |
14:55-15:40 | Francesca, BIAGIOLI and Michael, STOELTZNER “How Far Should Concepts Grow? Federigo Enriques on Mathematics, its Justification and its Application” |
Rory, MADDEN “Self-Awareness in G.E. Moore’s ‘Refutation of Idealism’” |
Nikolay, MILKOV “Bertrand Russell’s Philosophical Logic and Its Logical Forms” |
CANCELLED João Esteves, DA SILVA “Reading Wittgenstein with Ryle: Reconsidering the Roots of Non-Metaphysical Readings of the Tractatus” |
Gareth, PEARCE “Why Formalism died too early and why Lewis should have brought it back” |
15:50-16:35 | Flavia, PADOVANI “Scientific Philosophy in Exile: Reichenbach and Rougier” |
Consuelo, PRETI “The Extrusion of Thought from the Mind: Brentano and Moore on the Nature of Judgment” |
Joan, BERTRAN SAN-MILLÁN “Russell and Peano on the Independence of the Axioms of Arithmetic” |
Alexander, KLEIN “From Willing to Meaning: William James on Mental Content” |
16:45-17:30 | Panel Discussion (Garbriella CROCCO, Francesca BIAGIOLI, Michael STOELTZNER and Flavia PADOVANI) | Aviezer, TUCKER “The Pre-history of Analytical Philosophy of History” |
Russel, WAHL “Russell and Kant: The Question of Intuition, revisited, or Did Russell misunderstand Kant?” |
Christopher Alan, CAMPBELL “Generality and the Enumerability of Instances in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and Beyond” |
18:00-19:30 | Keynote: Martin, KUSCH, “Is Georg Simmel Part of the History of Analytic Philosophy?” |
Chair: Rachel, BODDY, Symposium Mathematical Definitions in Early Analytic Philosophy |
Chair: Christoph, LIMBECK, Symposium Representation and Logic in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus |
19:45-20:30 | Erich, RECK “On Frege’s and Dedekind’s Definitions of Number” |
* 19:45-20:00 Mahmoud, JALLOH “Structuralism in the Tractatus” * 20:00-20:15 Sophia, ARBEITER “Representation and Truth in the Tractatus” * 20:15-20:30 Comments on Jalloh and Arbeiter |
20:40-21:25 | Paola CANTÙ “Definitions in the Peano School” |
* 20:40-20:55 Summary/More Comments/Q&A * 20:55-21:10 Joshua, EISENTHAL “Propositions as Pictures” * 21:10-21:25 Sanford, SHIEH “Possibility and the Undepictability of Form in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus“ |
21:35-22:20 | CANCELLED Sean, MORRIS “Russell on Philosophical and Mathematical Definitions in Principles of Mathematics” |
* 21:35-21:50 Summary/Comments on Eisenthal & Shieh * 21:50-22:00 Response Comments & Discussion * 22:00-22:20 General Discussion / Q&A |
Thursday, July 15, 2021
Zoom 1 | Zoom 2 | Zoom 3 | Zoom 4 | Zoom 5 | |
Chair: Inger Bakken, PEDERSEN,
Logic & Probability |
Chair: Eduardo N., GIOVANNINI,
Vienna Circle |
Chair: Gareth, PEARCE,
09:00-09:45 |
“Janina Hosiasson: between subjective and objective Probability” |
CANCELLED Adam Tamas, TUBOLY “Otto Neurath on Plato-Hitler and the British Scene of Irritation” |
Michael Oliva, CORDOBA
“A “want of clearness” in §13 of Moore’s Principia Ethica” |
09:55-10:40 |
Francesco A., GENCO and Francesca POGGIOLESI
“A Solution to the Paradoxes of Grounding Inspired by Bolzano” |
“Stebbing’s critique of Bergson” |
“Are Thoughts Propositions?” |
10:50-11:35 |
“Paradox wasn’t (and isn’t) the Motivation for Tarski’s Truth” |
“Paul Feyerabend’s Ernst Mach” |
“Anscombe and ‘I'” |
11:45-12:30 |
Pawel, POLAK
“The Specificity of the Lvov-Warsaw School Philosophy of Science: A Case of Reception of Special and General Relativity ” |
Philipp Leon, BAUER
“Waismann’s Time in Vienna” |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break | ||||
Chair: Dejan, MAKOVEC, Symposium
Waismann |
Chair: Matt, LAVINE, Symposium
Social Justice and the History of Analytic Philosophy |
Chair: Jonas, RAAB,
Carnap – Quine |
Chair: Martha, SZNAJDER,
Chair: Gareth, PEARCE,
Philosophy of Mathematics |
14:00-14:45 |
“Waismann on Rules and Hypotheses” |
“Social Justice from the Point of View of the Lvov-Warsaw School” |
“Carnap and Quine: First Encounters” |
“Susan Stebbing on Logical Atomism” |
Claudio, TERNULLO and Luca ZANETTI
“Cantor’s Abstractionism and Hume’s Principle” |
14:55-15:40 |
Allison, KOSLOW
“Early Analytic Female Logicians: Combating the Great Men Narrative of Analytic Philosophy” |
Michael Robert, HICKS
“Sellars on Carnap and Conceptual Voluntarism” |
“Writing Conversationalists into History: The Case of Burton Dreben” |
“Quine’s Empiricist Platonism” |
15:50-16:35 |
Annalisa, COLIVA
“Family Resemblances and “Metaphilosophy”: Waismann, Wittgenstein and Goethe” |
Dwight, LEWIS
“Cultural Epistemology: A Query of Physicalism and an Investigation into Patricia Hill Collins’ ‘outsider within” |
Gary, EBBS
“Do Carnap and Quine Disagree about Explication?” |
“Analyticity in Wittgenstein” |
“Notational Bearings on Conceptions of Assumptions” |
16:45-17:30 | Panel Discussion: Annalisa Coliva, Ari Koslow, Greg Lavers, Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau |
“An Introduction to Social Justice and the History of Analytic Philosophy” |
Sam Whitman, MCGRATH
“On ‘Ontology’: Analyzing the Carnap-Quine Debate as a Case of Metalinguistic Negotiation” |
“Conjuring with the Beetle” |
Gregory, LANDINI
“Gödel’s Diagonal Function Doesn’t Exist without Numbers” |
18:00-19:30 |
Keynote: Catarina, DUTILH NOVAES,
“Carnap meets Foucault: Explication and Genealogy” |
Chair: Joan, BERTRAN-SAN-MILLÁN, Symposium
Frege on Definition, Truth, and Logic as Science |
Chair: Michael, HICKS,
19:45-20:30 |
Rachel, BODDY
“Definition and the Proof of Referentiality” |
Landon, ELKIND
“Computer Verification for Historians of Philosophy?” |
20:40-21:25 |
Robert, MAY
“The Role of Truth” |
“Carnap and Quine on Ontology and Categories” |
21:35-22:20 |
Sanford, SHIEH
“Notes on Logical Alien Science, or Deolaus ab paene omni naevo vindicatus” |
Richard, CREATH
“Reciprocal Containment and the Aufbau” |
Friday, July 16, 2021
Zoom 1 | Zoom 2 | Zoom 3 | Zoom 4 | Zoom 5 | |
Chair: Sebastian, SUNDAY GRÈVE,
Tractatus |
Chair: Giorgio, CASTIGLIONE,
Chair: Georg, SCHIEMER,
09:00-09:45 |
Jonathan, GOMBIN
“Simplex Sigillum Veri: the Tractatus on the Simplicity of Logic” |
“Towards an Activist Epistemology. The Neglected Project of C. I. Lewis” |
Matthias, NEUBER
“Perry on the Ego-Centric Predicament” |
09:55-10:40 |
Shunichi, TAKAGI
“The Genealogy of the Tractarian ‘Ontology'” |
Ewelina, GRADZKA
“Kazimierz Twardowski’s View on Teaching Philosophy at School in the Context of Analytical Philosophy ” |
“How Ayer could be right about Moral Arguments” |
10:50-11:35 |
“On Reverse Reading of the Tractatus, for Celebration of the Centennial of Publication of the Tractatus” |
CANCELLED Henri, WAGNER “An Externalist Strand in C. I. Lewis’s Mind and the World Order” |
Martijn, WALLAGE
“Is a Person an Object of Reference?” |
11:45-12:30 |
Eduardo N., GIOVANNINI “Hilbert’s Early Views on Completeness and Categoricity” |
12:30-14:00 | Lunch Break | ||||
Chair: Mathieu, MARION, Symposium
Debunking The Standard Narratives In The History Of Logic |
Chair: Eduardo N., GIOVANNINI,
Tractatus |
Chair: Sander, VERHAEGH,
Quine |
Chair: Günther, EDER,
Frege |
Chair: Martijn, WALLAGE,
14:00-14:45 |
* 14:10-14:30
Julie, BRUMBERG-CHAUMONT “A Social History of Logic : Problems and Methods” |
Silver, BRONZO
“Thought, Language, and Expression in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus” |
Jonas, RAAB
“Quine on Explication” |
“Frege and Formalism: an Apology for Thomae” |
14:55-15:40 |
Catarina, DUTILH NOVAES “The Roots of Deduction. A Conceptual Genealogy” |
“Ethics is Transcendental (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 6.421)” |
“On Ajdukiewicz’s and Quine’s Views on Ontology” |
“Heck’s Two-Sorted Frege Arithmetic and the Neo-Fregean Program” |
“Can 19th Century Early Neo-Kantian Naturalism be relevant for Contemporary Debates on Naturalistic Epistemology?” |
15:50-16:35 |
*15:00-15:40 CANCELLED Sandra, LAPOINTE “What is a Disciplinary History of Logic? ” |
David, HYDER
“Locality in the Tractatus” |
Andrew, SMITH
“Quine’s Unpublished 1985 Typescript “Convention and Its Place in Truth” |
Dongwoo, KIM
“Analysis and Reference in Frege” |
“Traditional Epistemology and Epistemology Naturalized” |
16:45-17:30 |
John David, LOHNER “Canonizing Wittgenstein. A Social Historian’s Assessment.” |
CANCELLED Edward, GUETTI “No Surprises: Insight and Limit-Concepts in the Tractatus” |
Gary, KEMP
A Conflict in Quine? Ontological Relativity vs Naturalism |
“Frege’s Radical Anti-Psychologism” |
Kenneth, BOYD
“I’m Not Actually Perfectly Delighted To See You: Peirce On Shared Responsibility For Assertion” |
Sara L., UCKELMANN “Building a History of Women in Logic” |
18:00-19:30 | Annual General Meeting of SSHAP | ||||
Chair: Teresa, KOURI KISSEL Roundtable On Early Analytic Women Philosophers |
19:45-19:55 | Introduction by Annalisa, COLIVA | ||||
19:55-20:15 |
“Victoria Welby as a Grandmother of Analytic Philosophy” |
20:25-20:45 |
“E. E. Constance Jones on Predication” |
20:55-21:15 |
Annalisa, COLIVA
“Susan Stebbing’s “The Method of Analysis in Metaphysics”” |
21:25-21:45 |
Juliet, FLOYD
“Susanne K. Langer” |
21:45-22:15 | General Q&A |