Sixth Annual Conference
Calgary, 8-10 May 2017
The sixth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy will be held at the University of Calgary, May 8-10, 2017. It is locally organised by Richard Zach and sponsored by the Philosophy Department at the University of Calgary.
This year’s meeting is being held in conjunction with the Society for Exact Philosophy whose conference (5-7 May 2017) convenes immediately before the SSHAP meeting. The organizers hope that SSHAP conferees will also want to attend the SEP meeting and vice versa. There are many areas of shared interest and possibilities for fruitful exchange. Information about the SEP meeting can be found here.
Invited Speakers:
- Juliet Floyd, Boston University
- Robin Jeshion, University of Southern California
- Bernie Linsky, University of Alberta
Call for Abstracts and Submission Instructions
Registration information and program
[Photo CC-BY Jeff Wallace]