SSHAP 2023 in Berlin


Presenters and participants should register here for the SSHAP annual meeting (the downloadable program is below):

11th Annual Conference of SSHAP

The eleventh annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) will be held at Humboldt University in Berlin from July 13 – 15, 2023. The annual meeting is locally organized by Michael Beaney (University of Aberdeen / Humboldt University) and is sponsored by the the Institute of Philosophy at Humboldt University and the British Society for the History of Philosophy. The main conference venue will be in the Festsaal at Luisenstraße 56, 10115 Berlin, Germany.

The meeting is to be held in-person; preference will be given to submitted talks that are able to be presented in-person. There will be some time slots available for persons who need to present a paper remotely by video; persons who wish to use this option should indicate this in their cover sheet (no rationale is required to be given to the conference organizers).

Invited Speakers

  • Alex Klein (McMaster University)
  • Rachael Wiseman (University of Liverpool)
  • Jiang Yi (Shanxi University)

