Category Archives: Annual Meetings

SSHAP 2021

Ninth Annual Meeting, Online

University of Vienna, Austria, July 14-16, 2021

The ninth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) will be held online on July 14-16, 2021. The conference is organized and hosted by University of Vienna – Department of Philosophy, under the leadership of Georg Schiemer and Florian Kolowrat. The main local sponsors and supporters are Institute Vienna Circle of University of Vienna and Vienna Circle -Society for the Advancement of the Scientific World Conception.

Registration for the conference is free. To register, please send an email to, before July 9, 2021.

Zoom links for the conference are:

No password is required to enter the sessions.

Keynote Speakers

Detailed Information

The program, abstracts, and zoom links are also available at the conference website: If you have any questions, please contact the organizing-team at the University of Vienna:

Mentoring Program

In cooperation with the editorial board of the Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy (JHAP), the organizers of SSHAP2021 are planning to install a mentoring program related to the meeting. The idea is to match junior scholars with senior mentors in their field who might be willing read the paper they are presenting and to give them some feedback to help prepare the papers for publication (ideally in JHAP). If you are interesting in participating in the program either as a PhD/early postdoctoral scholar or a senior mentor, please fill out the short form below:

Many thanks to Audrey Yap (University of Victoria), editor-in-chief of JHAP, for setting up the form.

2021 Annual General Meeting

The 2021 AGM will be held on July 16, 18:00 CEST, on zoom; see the Program. Here are materials for the AGM:

SSHAP 2021 Program

The Society for the Study of the History of Analytic Philosophy 2021 Annual Meeting will be held online, July 14-16, 2021, organized and hosted by the Department of Philosophy of the University of Vienna. The program follows below. Abstracts will be posted when available.

  • Talks are 45 minutes including Q&A.
  • There will be 5-10 minutes between talks for rest and to switch to another Zoom session.
  • Some symposia have a slightly different time structure from the standard times of the left-most column below, and in these cases times are given for each participant or event of the symposium.
  • All times are Central European Summer Time (CEST)

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

  Zoom 1 Zoom 2 Zoom 3 Zoom 4 Zoom 5
  Chair: Philipp Leon, BAUER
Chair: Henning, HELLER,
Chair: Georg, SCHIEMER,
Chair: Luca, OLIVA,
Chair: Felix, DANOWSKI,

Sebastian Sunday, GREVE
“Turing’s Philosophy of Intelligence”

“Fregean Acquaintance”
“Ryle’s and Carnap’s Impact on Goodman’s Notions of Linguistic Aboutness”
Michael, SCHMITZ
“Wittgenstein contra Frege on Force”
“Arthur Schopenhauer’s Philosophy of Language: from German Idealism towards Analytical Philosophy”
09:55-10:40 Chen, BO
“Russell and Jin Yuelin on Truth: A Comparative Study”
Tabea, ROHR
“Frege on Geometry”
“A ‘Third Man’ in the Debate? Arthur Pap’s Conception of the A Priori between Carnap and Quine”
Giovanni, MION
“Did Wittgenstein read Cassirer?”
Aleksandra, GOMULCZAK
“An Attempt to recognize the Relationship between Analytic and Continental Philosophy”
10:50-11:35 Chengcheng, GU
“A Comparative Study of Shen Yu-ting and Husserl’s Theory of Meaning”
Indrek, LOBUS
“Frege Against Textbook Logical Atoms”
“Carnap’s Intellectual Development in the Early 1920s: Encounters with Husserl’s Circle”
“Wittgenstein and the Conception of Hypotheses”
Maximilian, NOICHL
“Quantifying the Analytic/Continental Divide”
11:45-12:30   Anton, ALEXANDROV
“Is Frege’s Logical Analysis of Arithmetical Notions an Instance of Carnapian Explication?”
“Lewis’s Counterpart Theory and the Aufbau”
“An Arduous Journey – The Concept ‘Illusion in Wittgenstein Scholarship and Cavell’s Solution”
“Uncovering the Social Network of Recent Analytic Philosophy by the Analysis of Acknowledgments in Academic Publications”
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
  Chair: Paola, CANTÙ, Symposium
Scientific Philosophy
Chair: Name, Dejan, MAKOVEC, Symposium
Brentano and the Origins of Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Georg, SCHIEMER,
Chair: Anton, ALEXANDROV,
Chair: Richard, LAWRENCE,
Philosophy of Mathematics
14:00-14:45 Gabriella, CROCCO
“Emile Boutroux and “Scientific” Philosophy”
“Stout’s take on the Tripartite Distinction”
Ryo, ITO
“Two Epistemological Problems in the early Russell’s Ontology”
  Inger Bakken, PEDERSEN
“Coherentist Structuralism: A Metaontological Inquiry”
14:55-15:40 Francesca, BIAGIOLI and Michael, STOELTZNER
“How Far Should Concepts Grow? Federigo Enriques on Mathematics, its Justification and its Application”
“Self-Awareness in G.E. Moore’s ‘Refutation of Idealism’”
Nikolay, MILKOV
“Bertrand Russell’s Philosophical Logic and Its Logical Forms”
João Esteves, DA SILVA
“Reading Wittgenstein with Ryle: Reconsidering the Roots of Non-Metaphysical Readings of the Tractatus”
Gareth, PEARCE
“Why Formalism died too early and why Lewis should have brought it back”
15:50-16:35 Flavia, PADOVANI
“Scientific Philosophy in Exile: Reichenbach and Rougier”
Consuelo, PRETI
“The Extrusion of Thought from the Mind: Brentano and Moore on the Nature of Judgment”
“Russell and Peano on the Independence of the Axioms of Arithmetic”
Alexander, KLEIN
“From Willing to Meaning: William James on Mental Content”
16:45-17:30 Panel Discussion (Garbriella CROCCO, Francesca BIAGIOLI, Michael STOELTZNER and Flavia PADOVANI) Aviezer, TUCKER
“The Pre-history of Analytical Philosophy of History”
Russel, WAHL
“Russell and Kant: The Question of Intuition, revisited, or Did Russell misunderstand Kant?”
Christopher Alan, CAMPBELL
“Generality and the Enumerability of Instances in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus and Beyond”
18:00-19:30 Keynote: Martin, KUSCH,
“Is Georg Simmel Part of the History of Analytic Philosophy?”
  Chair: Rachel, BODDY, Symposium
Mathematical Definitions in Early Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Christoph, LIMBECK, Symposium
Representation and Logic in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
19:45-20:30 Erich, RECK
“On Frege’s and Dedekind’s Definitions of Number”
* 19:45-20:00
Mahmoud, JALLOH
“Structuralism in the Tractatus
* 20:00-20:15
“Representation and Truth in the Tractatus
* 20:15-20:30
Comments on Jalloh and Arbeiter
20:40-21:25 Paola CANTÙ
“Definitions in the Peano School”
* 20:40-20:55
Summary/More Comments/Q&A
* 20:55-21:10
“Propositions as Pictures”
* 21:10-21:25
Sanford, SHIEH
“Possibility and the Undepictability of Form in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
21:35-22:20 CANCELLED
“Russell on Philosophical and Mathematical Definitions in Principles of Mathematics”
* 21:35-21:50
Summary/Comments on Eisenthal & Shieh
* 21:50-22:00
Response Comments & Discussion
* 22:00-22:20
General Discussion / Q&A

Thursday, July 15, 2021

  Zoom 1 Zoom 2 Zoom 3 Zoom 4 Zoom 5
Chair: Inger Bakken, PEDERSEN,
Logic & Probability
Chair: Eduardo N., GIOVANNINI,
Vienna Circle
Chair: Gareth, PEARCE,
09:00-09:45 Marta, SZNAJDER
“Janina Hosiasson: between subjective and objective Probability”
Adam Tamas, TUBOLY
“Otto Neurath on Plato-Hitler and the British Scene of Irritation”
Michael Oliva, CORDOBA
“A “want of clearness” in §13 of Moore’s Principia Ethica”
09:55-10:40 Francesco A., GENCO and Francesca POGGIOLESI
“A Solution to the Paradoxes of Grounding Inspired by Bolzano”
“Stebbing’s critique of Bergson”
“Are Thoughts Propositions?”
10:50-11:35 David, KASHTAN
“Paradox wasn’t (and isn’t) the Motivation for Tarski’s Truth”
“Paul Feyerabend’s Ernst Mach”
“Anscombe and ‘I'”
11:45-12:30 Pawel, POLAK
“The Specificity of the Lvov-Warsaw School Philosophy of Science: A Case of Reception of Special and General Relativity ”
Philipp Leon, BAUER
“Waismann’s Time in Vienna”
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Chair: Dejan, MAKOVEC, Symposium
Chair: Matt, LAVINE, Symposium
Social Justice and the History of Analytic Philosophy
Chair: Jonas, RAAB,
Carnap – Quine
Chair: Martha, SZNAJDER,
Chair: Gareth, PEARCE,
Philosophy of Mathematics
14:00-14:45 Christoph, LIMBECK-LILIENAU
“Waismann on Rules and Hypotheses”
“Social Justice from the Point of View of the Lvov-Warsaw School”
“Carnap and Quine: First Encounters”
“Susan Stebbing on Logical Atomism”
Claudio, TERNULLO and Luca ZANETTI
“Cantor’s Abstractionism and Hume’s Principle”
14:55-15:40 Allison, KOSLOW
“Early Analytic Female Logicians: Combating the Great Men Narrative of Analytic Philosophy”
Michael Robert, HICKS
“Sellars on Carnap and Conceptual Voluntarism”
“Writing Conversationalists into History: The Case of Burton Dreben”
“Quine’s Empiricist Platonism”
15:50-16:35 Annalisa, COLIVA
“Family Resemblances and “Metaphilosophy”: Waismann, Wittgenstein and Goethe”
Dwight, LEWIS
“Cultural Epistemology: A Query of Physicalism and an Investigation into Patricia Hill Collins’ ‘outsider within”
Gary, EBBS
“Do Carnap and Quine Disagree about Explication?”
“Analyticity in Wittgenstein”
“Notational Bearings on Conceptions of Assumptions”
16:45-17:30 Panel Discussion: Annalisa Coliva, Ari Koslow, Greg Lavers, Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau Matt, LAVINE
“An Introduction to Social Justice and the History of Analytic Philosophy”
Sam Whitman, MCGRATH
“On ‘Ontology’: Analyzing the Carnap-Quine Debate as a Case of Metalinguistic Negotiation”
“Conjuring with the Beetle”
Gregory, LANDINI
“Gödel’s Diagonal Function Doesn’t Exist without Numbers”
18:00-19:30 Keynote: Catarina, DUTILH NOVAES,
“Carnap meets Foucault: Explication and Genealogy”
Chair: Joan, BERTRAN-SAN-MILLÁN, Symposium
Frege on Definition, Truth, and Logic as Science
Chair: Michael, HICKS,
19:45-20:30 Rachel, BODDY
“Definition and the Proof of Referentiality”
Landon, ELKIND
“Computer Verification for Historians of Philosophy?”
20:40-21:25 Robert, MAY
“The Role of Truth”
“Carnap and Quine on Ontology and Categories”
21:35-22:20 Sanford, SHIEH
“Notes on Logical Alien Science, or
Deolaus ab paene omni naevo vindicatus”
Richard, CREATH
“Reciprocal Containment and the Aufbau”

Friday, July 16, 2021

  Zoom 1 Zoom 2 Zoom 3 Zoom 4 Zoom 5
Chair: Sebastian, SUNDAY GRÈVE,
Chair: Giorgio, CASTIGLIONE,
Chair: Georg, SCHIEMER,
09:00-09:45 Jonathan, GOMBIN
“Simplex Sigillum Veri: the Tractatus on the Simplicity of Logic”
“Towards an Activist Epistemology. The Neglected Project of C. I. Lewis”
Matthias, NEUBER
“Perry on the Ego-Centric Predicament”
09:55-10:40 Shunichi, TAKAGI
“The Genealogy of the Tractarian ‘Ontology'”
Ewelina, GRADZKA
“Kazimierz Twardowski’s View on Teaching Philosophy at School in the Context of Analytical Philosophy ”
“How Ayer could be right about Moral Arguments”
10:50-11:35 Yi, JIANG
“On Reverse Reading of the Tractatus, for Celebration of the Centennial of Publication of the Tractatus”
“An Externalist Strand in C. I. Lewis’s Mind and the World Order”
Martijn, WALLAGE
“Is a Person an Object of Reference?”
11:45-12:30 Eduardo N., GIOVANNINI
“Hilbert’s Early Views on Completeness and Categoricity”
12:30-14:00 Lunch Break
Chair: Mathieu, MARION, Symposium
Debunking The Standard Narratives In The History Of Logic
Chair: Eduardo N., GIOVANNINI,
Chair: Sander, VERHAEGH,
Chair: Günther, EDER,
Chair: Martijn, WALLAGE,
14:00-14:45 * 14:10-14:30
“A Social History of Logic : Problems and Methods”
Silver, BRONZO
“Thought, Language, and Expression in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus”
Jonas, RAAB
“Quine on Explication”
“Frege and Formalism: an Apology for Thomae”
14:55-15:40 *14:30-14:50
“The Roots of Deduction. A Conceptual Genealogy”
“Ethics is Transcendental (Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 6.421)”
“On Ajdukiewicz’s and Quine’s Views on Ontology”
“Heck’s Two-Sorted Frege Arithmetic and the Neo-Fregean Program”
“Can 19th Century Early Neo-Kantian Naturalism be relevant for Contemporary Debates on Naturalistic Epistemology?”
15:50-16:35 *15:00-15:40
“What is a Disciplinary History of Logic? ”
David, HYDER
“Locality in the Tractatus”
Andrew, SMITH
“Quine’s Unpublished 1985 Typescript “Convention and Its Place in Truth”
Dongwoo, KIM
“Analysis and Reference in Frege”
“Traditional Epistemology and Epistemology Naturalized”
16:45-17:30 *15:40-16:00
John David, LOHNER
“Canonizing Wittgenstein. A Social Historian’s Assessment.”
Edward, GUETTI
“No Surprises: Insight and Limit-Concepts in the Tractatus”
Gary, KEMP
A Conflict in Quine? Ontological Relativity vs Naturalism
“Frege’s Radical Anti-Psychologism”
Kenneth, BOYD
“I’m Not Actually Perfectly Delighted To See You: Peirce On Shared Responsibility For Assertion”
“Building a History of Women in Logic”
18:00-19:30 Annual General Meeting of SSHAP
Chair: Teresa, KOURI KISSEL
Roundtable On Early Analytic Women Philosophers
19:45-19:55 Introduction by Annalisa, COLIVA
19:55-20:15 Frederique, JANSSEN-LAURET
“Victoria Welby as a Grandmother of Analytic Philosophy”
20:25-20:45 Gary, OSTERTAG
“E. E. Constance Jones on Predication”
20:55-21:15 Annalisa, COLIVA
“Susan Stebbing’s “The Method of Analysis in Metaphysics””
21:25-21:45 Juliet, FLOYD
“Susanne K. Langer”
21:45-22:15 General Q&A

SSHAP 2021 in Vienna will be online, July 14-16

The Ninth Annual SSHAP Meeting at the University of Vienna will now be an online conference, to be held on Zoom from July 14-16, 2021. The schedule of talks will be posted here when it become available. It will also be available at the conference site:

We again Georg Schiemer, Florian Kolowrat, and the rest of the organizing team at University of Vienna – Department of Philosophy, for making this possible. We are also grateful for the support of Institute Vienna Circle of University of Vienna and Vienna Circle -Society for the Advancement of the Scientific World Conception.

As announced last April, elections for officers and members of the Board of SSHAP will take place in 2021; there will be a Zoom session for this purpose.

Our best wishes to all for your safety and health.

SSHAP Ninth Annual Meeting Rescheduled: 14-16 July 2021, at University of Vienna

We are very happy to announce that the Ninth Annual SSHAP Meeting will take place at the University of Vienna on 14-16 July 2021. For more information please visit the conference website: Further details, including the schedule of events and modes of participation will be posted here as they become finalized.

Once again we thank Georg Schiemer, Florian Kolowrat, and the rest of the local organizing team for making this possible. We also thank the Department of Philosophy at the University of Vienna, the Institute Vienna Circle, and the Vienna Circle Society “Society for the Advancement of the Scientific World Conception,” for sponsoring our Meeting.

SSHAP 2020 at Vienna Postponed to 2021

The Ninth Annual SSHAP Meeting at the University of Vienna is now postponed to 2021. We thank Georg Schiemer, Florian Kolowrat, and the rest of the organizing team at the University of Vienna, for all the work they had done to set up the conference for July 2020. We also thank Prof. George Karamanolis, head of the Philosophy Department at the University of Vienna, for supporting the process of postponing the conference to 2021. We are very hopeful that the Ninth Annual Meeting will take place in Vienna in 2021 at roughly the same time of year. More information on this postponement will be posted at this site as it becomes available.

All officers and members of the Board of SSHAP will have their terms extended by one year, and 2020 elections will take place in 2021.

Our best wishes to all for your safety and health.

SSHAP 2020 Update

At the present time, the Ninth Annual SSHAP Meeting at the University of Vienna has NOT been cancelled. However, given the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19, there is a significant chance that we will be forced to cancel. We know that many scholars who were planning to participate are facing travel and funding restrictions, and we will make a definitive decision by mid-April. We are also looking into possibilities for postponing the conference to a future date, in case of cancellation. Our best wishes to all for your safety and health.

SSHAP 2020

Ninth Annual Meeting

Department of Philosophy, University of Vienna, 1-3 July, 2020

The ninth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) will be held at Department of Philosophy – University of Vienna, Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna, at the New Institute Building (Neues Institutsgebäude, NIG) from July 01 – 03, 2020.  It is locally organized by Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna) with the assistance of Florian Kolowrat (University of Vienna) and is being sponsored by the Department of PhilosophyInstitute Vienna Circle and the Vienna Circle Society “Society for the Advancement of the Scientific World Conception”.

Invited Speakers

SSHAP 2019

Eight Annual Meeting

Boston University, Boston, MA, June 17-19, 2019

The eighth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy (SSHAP) will be held at Boston University in Boston, MA on June 17-19, 2019. It is locally organized by Juliet Floyd with the assistance of James Pearson and Sanford Shieh and is being sponsored by the Philosophy Department and the Dean of Arts and Sciences at Boston University.

Invited Speakers

The 2019 SSHAP meeting is being held in conjunction with the Bertrand Russell Society whose conference (June 20-22, 2019) convenes immediately after the SSHAP meeting at University of Massachusetts-Amherst. It is locally organized by Kevin C. Klement. The organizers hope that SSHAP conferees will also want to attend the BRS meeting and vice versa.

SSHAP 2018

Seventh Annual Conference

Hamilton, ON, 19-21 June 2018

The seventh annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy will be held at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, 19-21 June 2018. It is locally organised by Sandra Lapointe with the assistance of Sean Dudley and sponsored by the Philosophy Department at McMaster University.

Invited Speakers:

This year’s meeting is being held in conjunction with the Bertrand Russell Society whose conference (22-24 June 2018) convenes immediately after the SSHAP meeting. The organizers hope that SSHAP conferees will also want to attend the BRS meeting and vice versa. There are many areas of shared interest and possibilities for fruitful exchange. Information about the BRS meeting and its call for papers can be found here.

Call for Abstracts/Papers

Program and Abstracts of Talks

SSHAP 2017

Sixth Annual Conference

Calgary, 8-10 May 2017

The sixth annual conference of the Society for the Study of the History of Analytical Philosophy will be held at the University of Calgary,  May 8-10, 2017.  It is locally organised by Richard Zach and sponsored by the Philosophy Department at the University of Calgary.

This year’s meeting is being held in conjunction with the Society for Exact Philosophy whose conference (5-7 May 2017) convenes immediately before the SSHAP meeting. The organizers hope that SSHAP conferees will also want to attend the SEP meeting and vice versa. There are many areas of shared interest and possibilities for fruitful exchange. Information about the SEP meeting can be found here.

Invited Speakers:

Call for Abstracts and Submission Instructions

Registration information and program

Abstracts of papers

[Photo CC-BY Jeff Wallace]